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Intune (Microsoft Endpoint Manager) app detection powershell script

Last Updated: 11/11/21

See the download file below for my intine app detection powershell script.


Key features:

  • Easy to change the appname and version you want to detect.
  • Does proper version compare.
  • Works with Windows 10 or higher. (Possibly older versions of Windows if the PowerShell version and .NET framework version are 4.0+)
  • Control how the version detection behavior does the compare.
  • Uses the registry not WMI, so it is fast!
  • Change three lines of text as the top and upload to your intune app!
  • I have found the powershell detection script method to be more reliable than MSI method. Not sure why.

Attached Files:
Snippet-Detect-Software.txt (391 downloads)

Keywords: intune, powershell, app detection, script