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Wireless Help and Tips

Last Updated: 2/15/10

This page is dedicated to helping people solve existing wireless problems, helping people purchase good wireless devices, and keeping people up-to-date with wireless news. "


Upgrade the firmware on all wireless devices before troubleshooting further. Sometimes firmware updates will solve issues. Be sure to ALWAYS use the correct firmware. Using the wrong firmware can turn your network device into a paper weight.

Remeber that some wireless problems can be caused by interference. Some things that cause interferce are: Cordless phones (2.4 GHz with B & G, 5.8 GHz with A), microwaves (when in use), neighbors wirelss phones or network equipment, Wireless ISP antennas near by, and many more.

Always make sure you have the latest drivers for your wireless devices. Be sure to completly uninstall old drivers before installing new ones.

Wireless equipment never has the range it says it does. The range on the box is the MAXIMUM range, not the guaranteed range. Object in between locations causes huge variations on range. The object type, material, size, location

Tom's Networking Reviews - One of the best networking review sites.

Google Tech News
MSN Tech News
D-Link News
Linksys News

Net Stumbler - A wireless locator and mapper program .

Other Resources - Helps you setup port forwarding in your router.

Keywords: troubleshooting wireless network router wireless